APPLY TO JOIN THIS COURSE Please complete all the sections below. First Name *Middle Name *Last Name *Mobile Number *Preferred Email *Job Title *Residency Status *Company/Organisation Name *Company/Organisation Location *Line Manager's Name *Line Manager's Job Title *Line Manager's Email *Line Manager’s Contact Number *Are you aged between 16-18 at the start of your apprenticeship training? *YesNo(Note: If you are aged between 16-18, it is mandatory for you to complete maths and English Functional skills to pass your apprenticeship or provide evidence of exemption.*)If you are 19 or older at the start of your apprenticeship training and have not achieved maths and English qualifications at GCSE level or higher, then it is OPTIONAL to study maths and English as part of your apprenticeship. Can you confirm if you AND your employer have agreed to opt-in OR opt-out of the functional skills (maths and English) training. *opt-inopt-outExemptions for Maths *Exemptions for English *Select the apprenticeship qualification you are interested in applying for *Select the apprenticeship qualification you are interested in applying forLevel 2 Customer Service PractitionerLevel 3 Team LeaderLevel 4 Junior Management ConsultantLevel 5 Operations ManagerLevel 3 Business AdministratorLevel 3 Customer Service SpecialistLevel 3 Learning and Development PractitionerLevel 4 Learning and Skills MentorLevel 5 Coaching ProfessionalLevel 2 RetailerLevel 3 Retail Team LeaderLevel 3 Senior Healthcare Support WorkerLevel 4 Domestic and Sexual Abuse Support WorkerLevel 3 Safeguarding Support OfficerLevel 3 Peer WorkerLevel 3 Community Health and Wellbeing WorkerLevel 3 Lead Adult Care WorkerLevel 4 Lead Practitioner in Adult CareLevel 5 Leader in Adult CareLevel 5 Early Years Lead PractitionerReferred By *Referred ByMaya BadhamAnna GatehouseWomen's AidYPOOther (Please specify in the comments section)Additional Comments0 / 180 Submit