Dean Bennett MA, Dip.Mgmt, CMgr FCMI.
Dean Bennett
MA, Dip.Mgmt, CMgr FCMI.
associate- project management trainer
He has over 35 years of business experience, working with a range of organisations from global companies, to small businesses, to universities. This has included over 16 years in professional learning and development, over 10 years in higher education, including designing and establishing the new Coventry University College, and 10 years in organisational change management.
He has worked in a number of business areas including: strategy, leadership and management, business operations, change management, education, learning and development, project management and delivery, new product development, marketing, and supplier management. This has included running teams across multiple sites, and working with organisations in Europe, the USA, Hong Kong and China.
Within organisational development Dean has designed and run programmes to individuals working in roles ranging from manufacturing production to global leaders to healthcare. This has covered the full range of management and leadership development in general and project management and leadership. As well as bespoke organisational specific events, he has designed as delivered CMI and APM programmes. In Higher Education Dean has held senior leadership roles, been an academic head, lecturer, course designer and project manager. He is also experienced in managing work-based degree programmes, provision of professional qualifications, and student recruitment in the UK and internationally. He currently provides learning and development programmes to university staff, including performance management, project management and academic quality.
In projects and change management, Dean has been a project manager within major change programmes and has led acceptance teams responsible for the successful implementation of over 200 service changes a year across a major bank.
Dean holds an MA in Management Practice form Coventry University, a Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Management from the Open University and is currently studying for an MSc. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Fellow of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management. He has published in the area of project management and recently co-presented a workshop at the British Academy of Management annual conference. He is currently completing an MSc in Mindfulness and Compassion.