L2 Customer Service Practitioner

The Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner apprenticeship standard is for individuals in customer service roles. The role of a customer service practitioner is to deliver high-quality products and services to the customers of their organisation. The core responsibility of the customer service practitioner will be to provide a high-quality service to customers which will be delivered from the workplace, digitally, or through going out into the customer’s locality. These may be one-off or routine contacts and include dealing with orders, payments, offering advice, guidance and support, meet-and-greet, sales, fixing problems, aftercare, service recovery or gaining insight through measuring customer satisfaction.

The customer service practitioner may be the first point of contact and work in any sector or organisation type. Their actions will influence the customer experience and their satisfaction with the organisation. They will demonstrate excellent customer service skills and behaviours as well as product and/or service knowledge when delivering to the customers. They provide service in line with the organisation’s customer service standards and strategy and within appropriate regulatory requirements. The customer interactions of the customer service practitioner may cover a wide range of situations and can include face-to-face, telephone, post, email, text and social media.

Job Roles suitable for this qualification

Examples of job roles this qualification is suitable for but not limited to are:

  • Customer Assistant
  • Customer Relations Advisor
  • Customer Relations Assistant
  • Customer Service Advisor
  • Customer Service Agent
  • Customer Service Associate
  • Customer Service Representative

Entry Requirements

  • Apprentices will be required to have or achieve level 1 English and Maths and to have taken level 2 English and Maths tests prior to completion of their Apprenticeship. (Mandatory for age 16-18 year old learners, unless a valid exemption is provided, discretionary for learners aged 19+ ). Speak with our team to find out more about recently updated functional skills policy


The qualification usually takes around 15 months (incl. 2 – 3 months EPA period). However, it is possible to complete earlier depending on the existing achievements and individual circumstances. This can be discussed with your tutor. The apprentice must spend at least 12 months on-programme and complete the required amount of off-the-job training in line with the apprenticeship funding rules.

Aims of this qualification

The aim of this qualification is to support the apprentice’s understanding of the 3 key areas covering the following Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs):

Knowledge Skills Behaviours
  • Knowing your customers
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Developing self
  • Understanding the organisation
  • Communication
  • Being open to feedback
  • Meeting regulations and legislation
  • Influencing skills
  • Team working
  • Systems and resources
  • Personal organisation
  • Equality – treating all customers as individuals
  • Your role and responsibility
  • Dealing with customer conflict and challenge
  • Presentation – dress code, professional language
  • Customer experience


  • “Right first time”
  • Product and service knowledge



On-Programme Learning/Delivery

On-programme assessment of the knowledge, skills and behaviours will lead to the final synoptic end-point assessment.

Apprentices will be allocated a qualified tutor to support the full completion of the apprenticeship and prepare them for the end-point assessment (sometimes 2 tutors will be required at different times for teaching different elements). The tutor will undertake engaging and interactive teaching, learning and support sessions with the apprentice on a regular basis (at least every 4-5 weeks), either remotely via Microsoft Teams or in the workplace if appropriate, to conduct teaching, learning and assessments. These will be planned with the apprentice and employer.

The tutor will manage a portfolio of evidence using an online electronic system called OneFile and give regular updates about progress. Apprentices can contact their tutor in between visits to discuss any aspect of their qualification and will be able to access their online portfolio 24/7.

Learning Outcomes

  • Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard
  • Level 2 Functional Skills in English (Mandatory for age 16-18 year old learners, unless a valid exemption is provided, discretionary for learners aged 19+ ). Speak with our team to find out more about recently updated functional skills policy
  • Level 2 Functional Skills in maths (Mandatory for age 16-18 year old learners, unless a valid exemption is provided, discretionary for learners aged 19+ ). Speak with our team to find out more about recently updated functional skills policy

Assessment Gateway

Before the apprentice is adjudged ready to undertake the end-point assessment by their employer and training provider, they will need to:

  • receive confirmation from the employer that the apprentice is deemed to be working at or above the level set out in the apprenticeship standard and ready to undertake the EPA
  • confirm that they are ready to take the EPA
  • achieve Level 2 in English and maths Functional Skills (Mandatory for age 16-18 year old learners, unless a valid exemption is provided, discretionary for learners aged 19+ ). Speak with our team to find out more about recently updated functional skills policy
  • complete a portfolio of evidence for the apprentice showcase

The purpose of the end-point assessment is to test (in a synoptic way) the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the apprentice as set out in the apprenticeship standard.

The end-point assessment:

  • provides apprentices with a showcase opportunity to provide oral and documentary evidence of their knowledge, skills and behaviours developed throughout the apprenticeship.
  • enables the independent assessor to assess the skills and behaviours of the apprentice by observing the apprentice in the course of their normal work.
  • tests the knowledge acquired by the apprentice throughout the apprenticeship.

End-Point Assessment

An end-point assessment will be conducted by an approved independent End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) listed on the Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register (APAR).

The end-point assessment will comprise three assessments. All assessments must be individually passed for the apprentice to be deemed competent:

  • Apprentice Showcase:

The apprentice showcase enables the apprentice to reflect and present examples of their development over the whole on-programme period. With guidance from the employer and/or training provider the apprentice will select appropriate evidence from the portfolio of evidence to demonstrate the minimum requirements of the standard.

Grading for Apprentice Showcase: Pass/Distinction

  • Practical Observation:

The practical observation of 60 minutes will be carried out by the Independent Assessor at the apprentice’s normal place of work to assess the knowledge, skills and behaviour learned. The observation as a minimum covers presentation, equality, interpersonal skills communication and personal organisation.

Grading for Practical Observation: Pass/Distinction

  • Professional Discussion:

The professional discussion is a 60-minute structured discussion between the apprentice and the Independent Assessor, following the observation, to establish the apprentice’s understanding and application of knowledge, skills and behaviours.

Grading for Professional Discussion: Pass/Distinction

Overall apprenticeship standard grade: Pass/Distinction

Professional Registration

Completion of this apprenticeship will lead to eligibility to join the Institute of Customer Service as an Individual member at the Professional level.

Progression Routes

On completion of the Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship, the apprentice may progress onto the Level 3 Customer Service Specialist Apprenticeship standard or the Level 3 Retail Team Leader Apprenticeship standard.

If you have already discussed joining a cohort with Pier Training, please click here to apply for this course. A Pier Training representative will contact you to discuss the next steps of your enrolment. 

For new enquiries please submit your request here and a representative from Pier Training will contact you shortly.