short courses


A playworker plays an important role in children’s development helping them to gain valuable social and emotional skills and also support with cognitive development. A well trained playworker will be an asset to any organisation whereby they will have the set skills in building strong pathways and associations that will help children far into adulthood.

Level 2 Playworker Diploma Knowledge Units

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Playwork

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Award in Transition to Playwork

3 Bespoke options

Level 2 Playworker Diploma Knowledge Units

Course BronzeCourse SilverCourse Gold
An introduction to understanding playworkUnderstanding playwork in wraparound care settingsUnderstanding playwork and inclusive practice in wraparound care
Target AudienceMin age 16Min age 16Min age 16

Total Unit Credit Value - GLH
Understand the playwork principles (K)

3 - 21
- Understand the playwork principles (K)

3 - 21

- L2PW2 Understand the playwork setting (K)

2 - 29
- Understand
the playwork principles (K)

3 - 21

- Understand how to support children with additional needs and disabilities in a playwork setting (K)

3 - 36

- L2PW2 Understand the playwork setting (K)

2 - 29
Number of Teaching Sessions- 1 session- 2 sessions
- 3hrs per session teaching time
- 4 sessions
- 3hrs per session
Delivery Plan- 1 session x 3 hours

- *If Accredited this will need to be assessed by a written task and professional discussion with a qualified Tutor

- ** If NON accredited the issuing of certificate will be based on attendance only**

- ****Can be flexible / bespoke according to numbers and accreditation
- 2 sessions x 3 hours
- 1 session every 3 weeks

- *If Accredited this will need to be assessed by a written task and professional discussion with a qualified Tutor

- ** If NON accredited the issuing of certificate will be based on attendance only**
- 4 sessions x 3 hours
- 1 session every 3 weeks

- *If Accredited this will need to be assessed by a written task and professional discussion with a qualified Tutor

- ** If NON accredited the issuing of certificate will be based on atten-dance only**

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Playwork

Target Audience:
Min age 18
UnitsTotal Unit Credit ValueGLH
PW1 Understand play and playwork principles325
PW2 Creating supporting environments for children’s play436
PW3 Understand how to support the safeguarding of children in the playwork setting436
PW4 Understand organisational frameworks to protect the rights of children325
PW5 Understand play and wellbeing325
PW6 Understand relationships in the playwork setting325
PW7 Understand health, safety and security in the playwork setting216
PW8 Engage in professional development and reflective practice216
Number of Teaching Sessions:
– 8 sessions
– 3hrs per session teaching time
Delivery Plan:
– 8 sessions
– 1 session every 3 weeks
– *If Accredited this will need to be assessed by a written task, a professional discussion and observation of practice in the setting with a qualified Tutor
– ** If NON accredited the issuing of certificate will be based on attendance only**

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Award in Transition to Playwork and 3 Bespoke options

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Award in Transition to Playwork

Target Audience:
Min age 18
Entry Requirements:
Have 2 years’ experience of childcare/education experience as well as one of the following:

– a full level 3 competency-based qualification in education or childcare or a historical qualification with education or childcare that would encompass early years, childcare, supporting teaching and learning, youthwork, Forest Schools

– or an alternative regulated full level 3 competency-based qualification that recognises the ability of learners to work with children in the absence of their parents/caregivers (for example, residential childcare/social care with children/sports)

UnitsTotal Unit Credit ValueGLH
Unit 01 A playworker’s understanding of playwork (L3)29
Unit 02 Playwork in practice (L3)312
Unit 03 Playwork in the wider context (L3)315
Number of Teaching Sessions:
– 3 sessions
– 3hrs per session teaching time
Delivery Plan:
– 3 sessions
– 1 session every 3 weeks
– *If Accredited this will need to be assessed by a written task, a professional discussion and observation of practice in the setting with a qualified Tutor
– ** If NON accredited the issuing of certificate will be based on attendance only**

3 Bespoke options

Supporting children with additional needs and disabilities in a wraparound care (SEND)Bespoke accredited courses (Knowledge only) Bespoke non-accredited to cover topics of your choice

Total Unit Credit Value - GLH
- Understand how to support children with additional needs and disabilities in a playwork setting (K)

3 - 36
- Any knowledge only units from the level 2 or level 3 playworker qualifications

As per chosen unit

- Any units from the level 2 or level 3 playworker qualifications to be delivered as training that will be


- Learners would receive a certificate of attendance with the course outcomes
We at Pier Training would be very happy to discuss any aspect of this training course you may be interested in. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we look forward to hearing from you.